Motivation and drive is what everyone needs to succeed; but you have to be choosy about your focus, your goal. Is it worth your blood, sweat, and tears? Or is it a distraction? Maybe not challenging enough? Ask these questions before investing your time and money.
I got a college degree, but discovered I am unemployable-at least I am now. I really hope I can change that, but I have to recognize and deal with that reality. Now that I know my serious flaw,I can make my goals accordingly. But when I decided to get an education,it is possible that I was in denial. I didn’t realize my mental illness was so debilitating. Certainly no counselor is going to encourage giving up, though. I think I should come up with a better game plan before I try anything ambitious.
On a bright note, I have found ways to use what abilities I do possess:I am a musician. It’s interesting that I am one, since music lessons were somewhat traumatic when I was younger. I stuck with it and made it work for me. I am primarily a church musician, have been for years. It has
not been easy, but I have worked hard at getting good. I struggled for years to develop my style. Now I am comfortable with my instrument.
I also found a non profit to donate my time as a volunteer. I also help my aging parents. I have found meaning in my life as Christian who happens to be disabled.
Of course, there is my internet marketing I do part time. The best program I have found online is I have learned much of what I know from this excellent website. Everything you’d every want to know about earning money online is included in the training. You can learn for free, but if you want to make some more money, upgrading is an option. Even the upgrade is affordable, which can get you random referrals and other goodies. It’s also fun and social. You can promote yourself to other CTP members and build your contact list.
One good thing about internet marketing is that it is equal opportunity. That works for me as I work on my business goals. I can overcome the disadvantages of being disabled with online resources and tools.