It has taken years for me to decide how to interpret what I view on a traffic exchange. At first, what I saw looked very similar. Then slowly, things began to make a little more sense the more I studied the ads. I even searched for business reviews. Then I gradually became an informed surfer.
I decided for myself what programs to avoid and what programs to investigate a little more closely. I learned by trial and error at times. Sometimes I took other surfers’ advice. I even became aware of red flags when checking something out.
Now I have become interested in the people promoting on the traffic exchanges. If they make themselves knowable and brand themselves, I pay attention. Sometimes I choose the upline as well as the program, whether it’s a new traffic exchange or some other income stream.
A blog is great. I love seeing one while surfing. Investing in a website for a blog seems like a good idea. That is next on my list of business must-haves.