I’ve got a reason to do today what I have put off till tomorrow: me. No one is going to push me in this life like I can when my wellbeing hangs in the balance.My goals now have priority and my choices hinge on accomplishing them.
I won't wait for circumstances to dictate what those choices are on a given day. I will just do what I know I must to reach my goals. I’ve got to keep my focus on those goals and not get distracted or discouraged.
I must simply step out and put the plan in action. No more procrastinating. My life will change only when I start to cross things off my never ending to do list. For example, I have got to design my own banners and splash pages for my advertising campaigns. I have been meaning to do that for awhile. Instead, I have been using those generic ads that are one size fits all. I joined this DIY designing program, which is great for those projects.adkreator.com