Monday, May 18, 2020

Asking for directions

Well, I just hired career help.  It gives me hope, and isn’t too overwhelming to start fixing my
Resume and cover letter. I’m still keeping everything in perspective as I continue the search for
A career.  I know I can’t do anything I want, only what I am capable of doing with disabilities.

I can reach for it, make a goal, and persevere, but if it isn’t a good fit, a career won’t work. All the pieces
Need to fit. I can’t force it. I can’t manipulate it. All I can do is assess my skills and limitations honestly.
Then I can make a tentative plan.

It’s like a treasure hunt. There is a reward for my efforts. I just want to make educated choices
And make the right moves so I won’t get lost.

I’ve got to pray like I never have before, a prayer to God for a compass and GPS for my life.