We all have strengths. Even as a disabled woman, I have ability. Sometimes you have to go through difficult times to discover how strong you are: I did. When I struggled to survive high school, for instance, I found out I was capable and smart.
I find now that I am slacking off and not living to my potential. I have to reverse this trend before I go too far into complacency. I want to start checking off my bucket list now.
I’m middle aged now, putting on weight and getting more unhealthy. I have cancer now. I believe I can stop it with good habits, like exercise and a moderate diet. All it takes is one step followed by many others. To take that step is a choice- to choose life over a slow death.
Some of my recent choices have led me close to my goal of writing my book about friendship. I have finished the third rewrite which I will edit and add notes. Not all sedentary behavior is wasted time.
Here Is A Special Opportunity I Wanted To Share With You