Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Just what are you thankful for? And what are you grateful for? During these days of the holiday season, you may find yourself contemplating what you value and what your blessings are. I’m thankful for my life even though it’s not perfect. I’m glad God gives me breath each day and watches over me. I’m glad He gets me through the hard times in life and for the faith to jeep going. I know that no matter what, He gives true quality of life regardless of any pain or suffering. I treasure every day He had given me.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

You are here for a reason

Ever wonder why you’re here and if your life has any rhyme or reason? Do you believe in such a thing as destiny and fate? Well, I can tell you your life does have meaning- the meaning your Creator has given when He made you.
You see, God loves you so He made you. He wants you to know Him so He gave you His Word. You don’t have to wander aimlessly because His Word is a lamp to light your path. He leads you like a Shepherd. Follow His lead and you can’t go wrong.
If you want to understand your life, ask the One Who gave you your life. Your life has meaning and purpose. You’re not an accident or a mistake. You are precious in His sight. And you are loved.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Sanity and safety come from respecting boundaries. Danger comes from a lack of discipline and
Its subsequent rebellion. Total freedom to do what we want can cause total ruin. While
this  fact may be understood in the natural sense, it may not be spiritually obvious. We understand our parents guidance and boundary setting, but not realize God’s authority to lead us.
 Our parents are supposed to teach us right from wrong, which comes from God’s word. Why do we resist God? It’s in our nature. All of us have violated God’s boundaries. And illicit choices lead to condemnation and separation from God, Who only established those boundaries for our protection and happiness.
God used the cross to bridge that divide. Our choice to believe this gospel and desire to please God opens the door to heaven and the righteousness necessary to dwell there becomes ours in a wonderful, gracious exchange for our sin. At last we are able to know and trust God’s boundaries and obey them. Our nature has changed like a dirty robe discarded for a clean robe.
Do you chafe under God’s law or do you love God so much that it’s a joy to obey Him? Have you climbed the fence into forbidden territory? If you have strayed from God’s fold, do you want to return to Him? The choice is yours.